1. Indonesia

Indonesia, the largest archipelagic state in the world consisting of over 17,000 islands, is one of the most diverse countries in Southeast Asia. With so many islands, full of remote forests and volcanoes, each with different cultures and languages, Indonesia is one of the best countries to visit in the world.

It is also dirt cheap here, even in touristy places like Bali if you are willing to look for it. I went to Indonesia more than 5 times now and every time, the country always has something up its sleeve that I didn't experience the last time.
From hiking Mount Rinjani to swimming with manta rays around the Komodo Islands, there are countless things you can do here. Java, the main island of Indonesia is home to some stunning temples like Borobudur and Prambanan, and it is still considerably cheap to visit.
Bali, even though it is becoming more and more expensive every day due to the number of tourists flocking the place each year, there are still many pockets of places on the Hindu island where you can still find cheap places to eat and do things.
For those looking for the ultimate adventure in Indonesia, Flores and the Komodo Islands offer a great place to visit that is relatively off-the-beaten-path and still very affordable, especially when you go out of the tourist cities like Labuan Bajo.

All in all, Indonesia is one of the cheapest countries to visit in the world that offer so many things to do and places to see for very little money and so if you are looking to save some money without sacrificing your experience, Indonesia is the place to be.


2. China

China has fascinated travelers ever since Marco Polo traversed the Silk Road. While the days of China being a super-cheap destination are long gone, the country remains a budget destination – and one of the cheapest in Asia – but with a caveat. You need to get out of the big cities. Sure, the cities are still a bargain. Hostels cost less than $20 a day, food is $2-5 per meal, and local transportation in cities runs less than a dollar. But, the country becomes even cheaper, when you get off the beaten path and the interior. This is where you’ll find the best travel deals and bargains! China still remains one of the best value places in the world.


3. Thailand

On every list ever about budget travel, Thailand is where it all began for me so it holds a special place in my heart. It is where I decided to quit my job and travel the world. I lived there. I loved there. Thailand is incredible. With a tourist trail going back decades, Thailand is the heart of backpacking in Southeast Asia, and you can get by on between $25-30 a day thanks to cheap guesthouses, food, local buses, and attractions. If you spend all your time on the islands and in expensive accommodation, expect to pay closer to $50 USD a day. However, even at the price, Thailand is still one of the most bargain destinations in the world and should not be skipped!


4.  India

While always a cheap country, the Indian rupee used to ride high at 39 rupees to the US dollar. Now, you get 73 rupees to the dollar — that’s nearly 50 percent more money to travel with. Unless you book five-star resorts and eat only Western meals, you’ll find it hard to spend $50 a day here. You can get by on closer to $30 by staying in cheap guest houses, taking second-class trains, and avoiding Western food. India a cheap backpacking destination – heck, just a cheap travel destination – with a rich cultural history, top class food, helpful and curious locals, incredible regional diversity, great tea, and a lot to do. It’s a gigantic place best either explored in either one large trip or a few smaller chunks. Either way, don’t miss India.


5.  Fiji

Most of us imagine Pacific Island destinations as expensive destinations filled with high priced resorts, food, and services. However, that’s not always the case. Fiji, unlike its expensive island neighbors and sharp marketing by Fiji water, is actually relatively cheap to visit. While there are many $1,000-a-night resorts in the country, you can manage to enjoy pristine beaches, world-class diving, tasty seafood, and friendly locals without having to mortgage your home.

Since Fiji is a stopover on Fiji Airlines, you’ll find a lot of flight deals to the country. Many backpackers take advantage of that and a small backpacker community has emerged. That means cheap guesthouses, transportation, and activities, especially in the popular Yasawa Islands.

Even if you’re not a backpacker, you can take advantage of all these deals and save money. Fiji is one of the best budget destinations in the region and not to be missed.
